Bylaw Updates
Dear CCS Families:
The Board of Trustees of Casper Christian School is proposing the following revisions to its Constitution and Bylaws, effective only after giving public notice for 30 days and being accepted by a majority vote of the Board at a subsequent official Board meeting.
The revisions proposed are emboldened and as follows:
Article IV .02 Other Duties:
Currently reads: Although the president is directly responsible for supervising and counseling the administrator, it is the duty of all board members to support and encourage the administrator of CCS. In addition, a committee comprised of the president, vice-president, and one other board member chosen by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees will prepare a written evaluation of the CCS administrator prior to January 31 each year. The committee will present an overview of the evaluation with recommendations at the February Board of Trustees meeting.
Proposed Change: Although the president is directly responsible for supervising and counseling the administrator, it is the duty of all board members to support and encourage the administrator of CCS. In addition, a committee comprised of the president, vice-president and one other board member chosen by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees will prepare a written evaluation of the CCS administrator annually and present an overview of the evaluation with recommendations at a subsequent Board of Trustees meeting.
Article XI.03: Discipline
Currently Reads: The administrator, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, shall
develop principles and procedures of discipline. Administration of student discipline, including suspension, shall be the responsibility of the administrator. Expulsion of a student shall be determined by the Board of Trustees (requires a three-fourths majority vote of the Board members present, provided at least three-fourths of the entire board is in attendance).
Proposed Change: Expulsion shall be determined by the Administrator in consultation with the Board Chair and communicated to the Board prior to the expulsion taking place.
Article VII 02.02
Currently Reads: The administrator shall prepare a written evaluation of each employee of the school by January 31st. He or she shall present an overview of the evaluations, with recommendations at the February board meeting. Unless specifically directed by a majority of the board, Board members shall not have access to the written evaluations of faculty and staff personnel files.
Proposed Change: The administrator shall report annually to the board an overview of faculty and staff evaluations. Unless specifically directed by a majority of the board, Board members shall not have access to the written evaluations of faculty and staff personnel files.
These proposed changes to the Bylaws will also be posted on the CCS website under the Mountaineers tab for the next 30 days. If you have questions or concerns about this proposed changes, please direct your questions to Mark Earwood at