About CCS
Welcome to Casper Christian School, home of the Mountaineers! Casper Christian School is a non-denominational Christian school serving grades 6-12. Our aim socially is to provide a Christian perspective on life and the world; this perspective produces a balanced personality and a proper understanding and acceptance of one’s role in life at home, at work, at play, and at worship – all grounded in biblical concepts. This philosophy channels our energies toward promoting high academic standards while helping students to achieve skills in creative and critical thinking and to integrate academic subjects with a biblical worldview. The objective of our instructional program is to enable students to pursue the postsecondary education of their choosing, whether in college, university, or vocational training.
Most importantly, we are family. If you are seeking an educational experience that is distinctly Christian, college preparatory, and feels like family, CCS is the place for you. Book a tour now and learn more about Casper Christian School!
Casper Christian School partners with the home and church to provide Christ centered academic excellence that will equip Casper teens to serve Christ in the world.
In Colossians 2:8, God warns His people not to be “taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophies built upon human tradition…rather than Christ”. Instead of an education built upon the human philosophies of secular humanism and radical pluralism, Casper Christian School teaches students based upon the truth of Jesus Christ as stated in the Bible. Things such as truth, goodness, and beauty are instilled in our students who learn to see that life has meaning and purpose in Christ (Philippians 1:21). As such, Casper Christian School partners with the home and the church to develop godly young men and women.
Casper Christian School is not affiliated with any particular church or denomination. Our student body represents over 30 churches in the Casper community. We are a conservative, discipleship school who believes what is written in the doctrinal statement of the Association of Christian Schools International.
Students at Casper Christian School are prepared to be effective communicators, critical thinkers, and effective leaders who will impact the world for the glory of Christ. They are equipped to defend a Christian worldview against the competing worldviews they will face in college such as philosophical naturalism, macroevolution, and moral relativism. They know how to study and conduct themselves in an ethical manner. The course load they take at Casper Christian School, including four years of Bible, four years of science, four years of English, four years of math, three years of social studies, and two years of foreign language, will give them the best chance to meet college entrance requirements in both Wyoming and out-of-state colleges and universities.
All of our teachers are strong bible-believing Christians, have teaching certificates, high content knowledge, and an ability to connect with students in a meaningful way. They are fully vetted through an application process which utilizes background checks and fingerprint clearance. They are trained in Christian worldview integration and the latest educational pedagogy. Regular training and daily support from administration encourage them to be successful in the classroom because a key component to a successful school is excellent teachers.
Casper Christian School:
- Will glorify God in every way it operates
- Will teach students a biblical worldview that this world is all about God and not all about themselves.
- Will provide a place where students can be together with godly peers
- Is an excellent corporate witness and a bright light in Casper
- Does not replace but partners with the parents and their home church – students are best served when all three come together.