Latest Past Events

Student Game Night

Casper Christian School 411 S Walsh Drive, Casper

GAMES, FOOD AND FUN FOR CCS STUDENTS HEY 2023-2024 MOUNTAINEERS! Student game night is a great time to reconnect with your friends and meet new students. Enjoy a night of fellowship and friendship and let's get ready to kick off the next school year strong. Where: Casper Christian School When: August 18, 2023 Time:  6-8pm P.S. Bring a friend

2nd Annual Mountaineer Gala

Ramkota Hotel and Convention Center 800 N Poplar St, Casper

Join us for food, fun and comedy with the Ramkota Hotel and Convention center and Kenn Kington. We will have a thankful buffet and you can join the silent and live auctions featuring one-of-a-kind items. Come out and support your favorite students at CCS, the school moving mountains in Casper!
